Sunday, January 3, 2010

Winter Break Rewind

So today is the last day of my Winter Break. Ugh! Back to the grind tomorrow at 8! Double UGH! Anyway, here is a brief re-cap of the events of Winter Break.

*Movies - Precious (good, but kind of a downer), Up In The Air (good until the ending), Blind Side (great movie overall), Avatar (amazing effects, want to see it in 3-D now), Sherlock Holmes (suprisingly good), Princess & The Frog (I hated every minute of it!)

*Crafted a TON! Finished the Bejewled quilt top, finished quilting the Tilted Sun (Baby Edition) with the help of Patti (thank you Patti!), finished a preemie quilt for Jessica to donate the hospital, made baby invites for Jackie's baby shower, started sketching out my next quilt already!

*Worked the dogs almost everyday down at Dog Sports at Kim's. What you can accomplish in 2 weeks is amazing! Kim really helped me get Tally working on obedience and agility. She'll be ready for competition soon! Gabby is getting ready to move up to Open A obedience! Roxie is learning to drive ahead and she is getting more confident each day. I even did a little obedience work with her! Someday I'll get her in the ring to show! I'll miss going there in the mornings to work the dogs, instead I'll be working :(

*Saw a lot of old friends from out of town, and ones that are in town that I just don't get to see often enough. Drinks, food, fun, Guitar Hero - enough said.

*Rang in 2010 having a good time with good friends.

Here is to a New Year & New Adventures - CHEERS!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl! Love the blog, adore your quilts! This is a skill I wanna learn so maybe I'll pick some up by osmosis. :)

    What all do your dogs compete in? Show ring, obedience, maybe those agility races? That's super cool. My husband hasn't mastered obedience. lol

    Look for me to comment often. I always feel like I'm stalking people when I lurk. So glad I found you here.
